H E Y, H E Y, H E Y, !!! Hello! It's me Lubba Ailati. Just call me Lubba. I was born in Bandung on 12 of April 2002. Yes, I'm 15 years old. Energetic, fun, curious and even sometimes emo teenager. I have 2 older sisters and an older brother. The age gap between me and my siblings are quite big. My oldest sister is about to reach her 30 age. And then my brother is 26 years old and my other sister is 22 years old. I know that people sometimes get the wrong idea about being the last child. They think it's nice because your parents will love you the most, you'll get anything you wants and many other things. I know that things might be true.. But even you are the one who loved the most, you will be the one who being teased the most. Your brother or sister might be order you a lot. Yeah, but besides that, being the last child and having a lot of siblings, you will also received so much love. Being the last child also got me so much advantages. Like I go...