Hey hey it's me again. Now,  I will share you my .. Well .. 50% Bad and 50% Great experience.
Why? You will know ;)
Yea, you can tell from the title that this experience happened in Malaysia (well, actually it happened on my trip from Thailand to Malaysia) The date? I don't really remember. But I'm sure it happened on 2016.

So, that time, me and my club friends, was invited to a seminar in one of islamic boarding school in Hatyai, Thailand. That was also my chance to practice my presentation skills for attending Asian Pasific Conference of Young Scientist that i'll be joined that year.

The trip plan was visiting Thailand, Malaysia, and the last is Singapore. Which mean, I brought Bath, Ringgit, and Singapore dollar. After the trip in Thailand was finally done, we're going to Malaysia by Bus. I carried 2 bags. There are clothes and food in one of the bags and there are hand phone, passport, and wallet on the other bags. The bag is small so I could easily forgot that I brought it. Silly? Well, duh I'm the type of that person. Sorry ;P

On the way, I gave my passport to my teacher. Because I feel like I can't trust myself to keep it right hahaha. And I continued my sleep. It feel so fast and we arrived. We're arriving at midnight in Malaysia. The bus driver shout "MALAYSIA!" and I woke up in shocked.  I'm so freakin' tired. I'm not 100% up and my head spinning like crazy. I went out from the bus. 
My teacher ask all the students about if they leave anything behind. I feel that I carried all of my bags. But after the bus go... YUP I forgot something important. I LOST MY small bag. The one with my hand phone and wallet.. My money.. ;") I tried to catch the bus but I can't. I told my teacher and we tried to contact the bus driver, even the company. BUT. We got no answer. I'm so shocked and confused. Even my tears won't coming out. I can't think straight. I know that I can't asked my friend to lend me their money because I know they're not bring that much money.

But then, my teacher told me that he'll lend me one million rupiah for me. I feel so grateful, so relieved that he helped me to survive in Malaysia :'' My friend also lend me their phone to contact my parents in Indonesia. Well, it feel so great to have amazing friend and teacher to comfort and help you when you in need. I feel so blessed. I want to give my teacher and friends BIG thank's for being there for me at that time. I just can't imagine If I lost my passport too. How can I go back to Indonesia? Swimming? LOL. 
But the worst scenario is ..
That I am A L O N E. I'm gonna be so dead /kidding/.

So, guys.. PLEASE learn from my mistakes. Don't be so careless especially when you are in other country. Keep your things save and put your money in different places in case you lost some of yours. Check every things you carried and always make a list of things you'll bring.
Don't be panic and stay calm in any circumstances.

See you next time pal~


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